This is how we welcome the Spring Season in Kumaon
14 March 2013 was Phool Dei festival in Kumaoun, celebrated on the first day of Chaitra month of the Hindu Calendar and falls around mid-March. It's a joyous celebration of the onset of spring, when vibrant red Rhododendrons flower in abundance up in the hills.

On this day, young girls visit houses carrying plates a having rice grains, jaggery and flowers. They conduct puja of the house entrance (the dehlee or dahleez) and sprinkle rice grains and flowers / flower petals, singing: Phool Dei, Chhamma Dei, Dwino Dwaar, Bhor Bhakaar, Yo Dei Sei Namaskar, Pujo Dei . This symbolises an offering of good wishes for the prosperity of the family and the household. The seniors of the household in turn, bless the girls and offer them sweets & money. Happiness!